Monday, July 12, 2010

Security advice for riding a motorcycle during a heat wave

It seems like we are having a bit of a hot summer in Poland at last. Which mean riding a motorcycle becomes a bit of a challenge, because regular riding clothes become hot and uncomfortable. You basically have two choices:
  1. lose the armour and ride in tshirt and shorts
  2. stay in the armour and risk getting unconscious becouse of the heat
My advice is - absolutely do not ride without full armour! Reasons - the risk of injury while riding without it is grave. Your bare skin will be peeled off within a second from the contact with a tarmac. Also, during the heatwave, both you and the rest of the drivers on the street easily lose concentration, increasing the probability of accident

So, what to do? Armour, does get hot very quickly indeed. The solution is simple - get yourself a wet bandana and put it around your neck. It will keep you cool and fresh