Saturday, June 2, 2012

Google+ API broke again - G+7 does not work any more

Google decided to change their internal API yet again (yes, official API is still crap, I cannot use it for the G+7 gadget). This time breakage is pretty substantial and some work will be required to work around it.

I should be able to work around this - I have some rough fixes read now, testing them.

Please give me some time to test and deploy (I should be done in less than a day). 

UPDATE: I have just released version 1.11 of G+7, with support for the new behaviour of Google+
get it from

Saturday, April 28, 2012

G+7 1.9 - fixes post details display and adding comments

In my last post I complained about Google+ changing their REST API, which broke adding commnents. I did not really have time to fix this, working on some other cool stuff.

But now Google+ broke their API and Javascript some more, which caused G+7 to stop displaying post details in the flyout. Which required some attention from me.

Now I have released version 1.9 1.10 of G+7, which fixes both issues.

It is available here

UPDATE: Turns out that Google changed their Javascript yet again on May 1st. This time they changed some function name for no apparent reason at all, requiring me to fix G+7 again - hence version 1.10. Damn, this is getting a bit boring


Friday, March 23, 2012

Adding comments to Google+ from G+7 is currently broken

It looks like Google changed something in their REST API and they broke G+7's ability to add comments. Oh well. I will need to fix it