Wednesday, September 28, 2011

G+7 - +1 button does immediately update its state after adding +1 to a post

I have just noticed that something changed in the Google+ infrastructure and the +1 button in the G+7 desktop gadget does not properly update its state after adding +1 to a post, because there seems to be a significant delay in propagating the added +1 to the message stream. The +1 does get added, but the button stays white instead of turning blue. Refreshing the message a couple of times fixes things.

This used to work when I implemented this functionality (the update was immediate), so something must have changed at Google.

Anyway - fix is coming with version 1.7, which is going to be available very soon (probably after weekend). I am going to:
  • add a delay before updating the page
  • flip the +1 button state manually after update without waiting for the message stream update

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